Friday, August 5, 2011

Helping others by couponing

When I think back to how much better I could have managed my money when I was a single mom with 2 boys it drives me crazy!!! That being said, I am sooo happy that I am able to help my family out by saving so much money.  The reality is that as a family of five we are spending much less on EVERYTHING than most families in our same situation.  I am so thankful for that. As a result, and from the pure joy that I get from couponing I have been able to help others.  Doing street outreach on Vancouvers downtown east side, as well as working in the youth detox it became very apparent that things like toiletries are the last things you buy when you have no money. 

Walmart recently had a sale on Crest toothpaste for $.88 a tube. I had 23 coupons for $.75 off. 23 tubes of toothpaste cost me $2.99. I bought these toothpastes for the sole purpose of donating ( you may know from a previous post that I have more than enough toothpaste!)   I also have an abundance of travel size shaving foam that were FREE ( i actually got paid to buy them).

I have been fortunate enough to be able to breastfeed Addisyn nearly exclusively, but after seeing the amount of stackable coupons available for formula I thought that I would purchase the formula and give it a way to those who can use it:) I have accumulated
  • 4 large cans of Similac sensitive powder,
  • 1 Large can of Similac Advance powder,
  • 1 large can of Emfamil A+powder,
  • 5 small cans of Similac Advance powder,
  • 1 small can of Enfamil A+ powder,
  •  1 small can of nestle good start powder,
  • 1 small can of heinz powder,
  • 4 cans of similac sensitive concentrate,
  • 6 cans of similac advance concentrate
All of this formula has cost me roughly $15 !!!

This is just the beginning of me being able to help out others with my couponing, and I can`t wait for more opportunities to do the same :)

1 comment:

  1. How did you get all the formula for $15? i have a 5 month old and can only use similac sensitive.
    If you could email me, about how you did this it would be greatly appreciated as we spend so much on formula (I am what you would call a newby couponer but starting to learn how to do things)
